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If you’re looking to make some extra cash and get rid of all that clutter in your house then having an online Garage Sale with GarageSaleIt is perfect for you!   There’s no time like the present to clean out your house and turn your unused stuff into a money-making opportunity!
Today’s modern consumer increasingly wants to mix and match new fashion with high-end and second-hand clothing to create their own brand of style that speaks to their individual personality.
Online Thrift or Charity store with Garage Sale it Charity shops have been in operation since the early 1900’s.  They can typically go by a...
If you are not using GarageSaleIt to sell your gently used and pre-loved items, you risk missing out on the 74% of conusmers aged 18-29 who value purchasing from sustainable brands and today, actually prefer recommerce markets just like GarageSaleIt.
GarageSaleIt is a platform that can be used to raise much needed funds for your school community.  No listing fees, no selling fees and no commissions on items sold.  All of the profits raised go directly to the school.
Here is a list of the most frequently bought items at Garage Sales to get you thinking about your items and get you started on your way!
We provide some essential tips to make your garage sale a success!